: AOL Branding Pitch

Jan 5, 2005

  • Designer: Jone Raspo
  • Director: Steve Oaks

It’s a pity I’ve since lost the actual spot we produced for the internal board of AOL for the new branding campaign. It was pretty cool looking and I got to be super involved on the shoot. The premis was the same as the above concept pitch. But instead of using stock video Jone Raspo directed the live action, while Steve Oakes directed the animation. I played VFX sup and lead compositor.

Oh the drama of HD back then. We had only just gotten good at producing Standard Definition spots but that time. But. SD looks laughably tiny now pixel wise. How did we ever make nice things with so little information!?

Here Steve Oakes voice overs a making of video. Basically we were selling the motion capture system to AOL showing them how quickly we could produce animations….even in real time! But, the motion capture never could match the quality of the cell or keyframed animation. So in practice we only used it for previz and reference.

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