: Nicktoons

Jan 5, 2002

Ink and paint! Worked on these series of bumpers at Curious for the Nickelodeon Friday Night Nicktoons lineup that happened one year. Tone Tine Produced the big intro. Kyle McColloch was the lead compositor I think. I’m not sure, as everything was new and confusing back then, but I’m pretty sure Kyle was the lead compositor at Curious Pictures. Either that or it was Molly Shwartz. They were inseparable. I was too shy to ask who was in charge back then.

While curious was a multi-discipline animation studio, this was the first 2D animation I’d worked on directly. I spent the entire summer scanning artwork from Canada (remember when people used to draw on paper?!?) and then inking and painting using Toonz. I remember for a number of years knowing the pantone colors of many important cartoons chars. Being able to draw Spongebob was a big crowd-pleaser with kids back in the day also:)

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